1 min readAug 25, 2021


Please educate yourself, more. Here are a few links.

However, before you feed your eyes, I wrote this article in March when Sarah's death was still a mystery, and if you read my article carefully for the sake of understanding and not critiquing for the sake of it, you'll see that I used the phrase "the suspected killer" because his involvement was still under investigation but he was detained due to strong suspicions - in the UK, anyone is innocent until proven guilty. Her case was dropped only in July. Please, Wolf, try to read not just for the sake of it and be mature with your comments, spread love, and hug your husband more or maybe, wife.

Headline from MyLondon news in April

"Sarah Everard: Cause of death remains a mystery more than two months on from disappearance

The key question in the investigation remains unanswered" -


"Sarah Everard disappearance: What we know so far" -




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